12 Personal Finance Hacks That Will Change Your Life
Getting your personal finances in order can be an intimidating prospect if you’ve never done it before. Luckily, plenty of other people have gone through this process and come out the other side with their credit scores intact, so you can benefit from the wisdom they’ve gained from their successes and their mistakes. But personal finance doesn’t have to be overwhelming — if you take it one step at a time, learn from the mistakes of others, and use these personal finance hacks, you can make the most of your money and become financially stable much sooner than you think! Here are 10 personal finance hacks that will change your life.
1. Making a budget
The first step to good personal finance plan is creating a budget. Determine your income and expenses, and track where your money is going. This will help you make informed decisions about your spending and save money in the long run. Budgeting is essential for living within your means and saving enough to achieve your long-term goals.
This method offers an easy 50/30/20 framework for creating a budget. The breakdown looks like this:
- You spend 50% of your take-home pay (after taxes, that is) on living essentials, such as rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation.
- Spending on discretionary items such as dining out and shopping can go here. Giving to charity can also be included in this percentage.
- About twenty percent goes toward paying off debt and saving for the future.
2. Pay yourself first
Having an emergency fund is one of the smartest things you can do for your personal finances. It gives you a buffer between you and debt, and can help you avoid going into credit card debt or taking out a personal loan. The safety net provides funds to cover unexpected expenses, such as medical expenses, a big auto repair, or day-to-day costs if you find yourself out of work.
Three to six months’ worth of expenses is the ideal safety net. It’s recommended you set aside 20% of your paychecks every month. Once you have your emergency fund full, don’t stop contributing. Invest the monthly 20% into other financial goals, such as retirement savings and home down payments.
3. Start investing early
When you invest as early as possible, you have more time to grow a larger fund. Regular investments of a modest amount over time can allow you to reach financial freedom.
To grow wealth, you could choose to set up a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) where you make periodic investments in mutual funds and you could also choose to do this at a young age in order to create financial discipline.
4. Focus on goal-based investing
When it comes to personal finance, one of the best things you can do is focus on goal-based investing. Goal-based investing is an established strategy for living the dream life.
This means setting aside money each month to reach specific financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or retirement. Doing this will help you stay disciplined with your spending and make progress towards your long-term financial goals.
5. Become financially literate
If you’re interested in turning your life around, then reading about personal finance is the way to go. Understanding how to properly manage your money will make you feel more in control of your life. No, money can’t buy you happiness, but it’s difficult to be poor in today’s society.
Once you know how to budget your income, invest your savings, and get out of debt, you may not be satisfied with your financial situation, but you will be financially secure and will be able to prioritize important things in life, like health, love, friends, and family.
6. Dept Repayment
Given that debt is a common phenomenon in young adulthood, if you don’t come up with a strategy, paying off that debt can be difficult. Taking a loan will increase the burden on you in the form of higher interest rate and lower credit score.
It is best to invest in a way that you do not need to take a loan in the first place, and if you do need one, to have a systematic plan to repay it.
7. Saving for Retirement
Retirement may seem like an impossibly faraway occurrence, but it’s an inevitability, so you might as well invest in a retirement plan.
An additional reason to save money as early as possible is because it utilizes compound interest. With systematic investments, you can begin financial planning for retirement and building a sizable pot by the time you retire. Your retirement mantra for personal finance should be, Save early, save now.
8. Tax Planning
The money you save should be invested in a way that takes advantage of all the incentives offered by the government.
With this advice, an individual will be able to comply with all laws and regulations and avoid incurring penalties.
9. Track Your spending
One of the best things you can do for your personal finances is to track your spending. This will help you see where your money is going and where you can cut back. To save your money spending your can get a no-spending challenge that will helps to save more.
From constantly buying — like shopping sprees every week, sometimes more than once a week — to learning to shop with a purpose, you’ll reduce clutter around the house, become more eco-friendly, and watch your wealth grow.
12. Know your “why”
10. Get adequate insurance
One of the most important thing is that you should hold a adeqate insurance to ensure your family’s financial well-being in the unfortunate event that you cannot be there to provide for them.
Whether it’s health, auto, or renter’s insurance, being covered can save you a lot of money in the long run. The sooner you buy an adequate health insurance plan, the lower your premium will be. The uncalled medical expenses can blow a hole in your pocket.
11. Give yourself a break
Budgeting and financial planning can feel suffocating. You need to reward yourself now and then. No matter what, you should enjoy your accomplishments.
Spending time on vacation, buying something, or just going out on the town gives you a taste of financial independence.
12. Maintain a healthy credit score
It is an indicator of your creditworthiness and financial responsibility when you pay your bills on time, make timely EMI payments, and pay credit card dues as agreed.
Credit scores are an important determinant when you apply for a loan, since banks determine the disbursement, amount, and interest rate of your loan based on them. A good credit score implies that you have the ability to repay the loan, making you less likely to default.